Guild-Token-Tezos (XTZ)

What is The Guild Token Program

Guild Token A Smart Contract

Guild Token is a smart-contract built on the Tezos platform that allows users to deposit their Tezos (XTZ) and earn not only STAKING REWARDS but take advantage of a REWARD POOL TOO, that can deliver an estimated 5% to 7% Monthly*, along with a referral incentive paying 1%. Accessible by a Dapp with explicit instructions for the newbie to seasoned crypto trader/investor.

Former Stock market and conventional investors are also invited to enter the world of Decentralized Finance, where no one person or company is in control of your funds, only you.


Enhanced Staking

The Enhanced Staking Advantage, giving you more than just the 6% APR that conventional staking pays.  This Tezos Smart Contract also allows you to Re-Roll Your Profits Often, at a nominal fee equal to about .01 to .03 cents.

The smallest unit of measure for Tezos is the mutez. 1,000,000 mutez = 1 Tezos

Safe & Secure
Safe & Secure
Easy Entry
Easy Entry
Real Time Stats
Real Time Stats
No Locked Funds
No Locked Funds
Funds Accessible
Funds Accessible